Sunday, February 28, 2010

Colours as metaphor

Metaphors point to deeper things, as they capture or reflect their likeness.

Red can point to fire that consumes and makes things malleable, or blood which brings life, or emotion that destroys. Red can convey something of the power of inquiry, of questions which probe and persist in face of opposition, of the energy which carries one forward in the hope of changing things.

Green is the colour of pasture, of land which is spread out - but often not so in Australia where it is brown or dusty red.... Green are the leaves under which we shade and green is the grass upon which we walk. Green stands for the earth, for the ground, for what comes to us through our senses. Green can represent the world and the universe that we seek to find harmony upon and within. It can stand for matter itself, and hence for all that comes through our senses and gives rise to our questions: in short, our experience.

Gold is the colour of what is precious, recovered from the earth after painstaking search, gathering, sifting, washing, shaking. It is resistant to change and has great value when pure. There is also fool's gold, which looks like the real thing, or alloys where gold has been mixed with other metals. Golden is the sun which sheds light and makes life upon the earth and gladdens the heart through its gifts. Gold is like insight.

Purple suggests richness and splendor, maturity and generous endowment. It can stand for the achievement of reflection and the arrival at wisdom. It conveys a sense of royalty and deep leisure. Like knowledge.

Blue is the sky - and the freedom of birds in flight. It opens to the infinite beyond where sits the sun and countless more in space. It suggests our own freedom and courage, to fly in the choices we make, in the decisions we take, in the direction we give to our lives.

Are we not ourselves made up of colour, like a rainbow if we view ourselves through the mist of self-knowledge. And are we not looking to find a fiery pot of gold, there, at its centre?

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